How do DJs mix songs? DJs start by picking two compatible songs and use their musical skills to blend them together. Here are five basic techniques.
Can You DJ With Spotify?
Do you want a nearly unlimited supply of music for under $10 per month that you can DJ, mix and mashup with? Then, my friend, you want to DJ with Spotify.
Where Do DJs Discover New Music?
As a working DJ, you must be constantly listening to music to stay on top of what is new and hot. Here are some of my favorite music discovery sources.
Can You DJ Without Headphones?
Most DJs are using some sort of headphones, either big over-the-ear headphones or small in-ear monitors. But, can you DJ without headphones?
You want a great way to get bookings faster with less effort? You need an Act Now offer!
What’s an Act Now offer?
An Act Now offer is anything you can add to your proposal that’s only available for a limited period of time. It must be a great benefit to your client and it MUST expire.
Why DJs MUST Take a Vacation
So you’re a successful DJ and small business owner. You’re out there killing it, making money and rocking parties. You’ve got your hustle shoes on. You’re either running a business full-time, or making some serious side income. The more you work, the more you make. But you are quickly heading towards a trap that plagues many sole proprietors and even big-name touring DJs. You aren’t taking any time off.
What Equipment Do I Need to be a DJ?
It doesn’t take a lot of equipment to start your DJ career. And, if you make smart purchases, you can DJ on a small budget. Here’s the DJ equipment you need to get started.
The Best Secret of a Part-Time DJ
It’s hard being a DJ with a day job. But that’s where many of us start, and many of us stay. Whether you want to grow into a full-time business or not, having a day job that works with your DJ lifestyle is key. One of the best situations I’ve stumbled into myself is having a day job that doesn’t come home with me.
6 Tips to Book More Gigs Over the Phone
I’ll admit it. I am most intimidated by talking to prospective clients on the phone. I’ve never been comfortable talking on the phone to people I don’t know well. Even with people I do know, I’ll usually text or email if I can get away with it. But the phone is your single greatest source of business. It is the only place other than face-to-face that you can market your services and adapt your presentation in real time. Here are some of the tips I’ve learned over hours and hours working the phones.
17 DJ Gear Essentials – My Ultimate List
Note: This post contains sponsored links to Amazon and other affiliates. My DJ gear has evolved since I first struck out on my own. Some has been chosen out of deep understanding of the product, some has been a trial-and-error process. I have yet to see a full breakdown of all the little things you […]