
Top 6 Money-Making DJ Events

There are a great number of places you can play as a DJ. Some of them will make you lots of money, some of them will be a ton of fun, and some of them won’t be worth the hassle.

Here’s my ranking from least to most favorite in terms of profitability and overall enjoyment as a DJ.


My $20 Per Month Unlimited DJ Music Plan

If you are going to be a professional DJ, you have to be a professional. Professionals don’t steal (unless they are professional criminals). You need to be above board.


How To Lose a DJ Event With One Word!

Okay, so I’ll admit it. This one’s really nit-picky. But this blog is all about being professional. So, this falls into that category.

I never, EVER, use the word “gig” to refer to a client’s event.

Business Gear

4 Things You Need to Start DJing

One of my favorite things about DJ’ing is the fact that you can get started making money with just a little bit of skill, music and gear. Now, you’re not going to be making the big bucks, but you can earn enough to upgrade your setup and work your way into DJ’ing full-time. Here’s the absolute minimum you need to get started.


7 Secrets to the Perfect DJ Set

You gotta get out there and play. But, sometimes that can be the most nerve-racking part of this whole DJ business. And the most exhilarating at the same time. So, how do you rock it out without freaking out? The key is a seven simple tips that will help your set go smooth.


How DJs Make $50k or More Every Year!

Listen up, DJs!

Whether you like it or not, you are in sales!

Yeah, you heard that right. You are in sales. But not the scummy, greasy, used-car sales stereotype that you are thinking about. I’m talking about modern sales. In fact, it probably shouldn’t even be called sales. It’s more like “finding what people want and giving it to them.”